Monday, September 30, 2019

Science a Curse or a Blessing

We cannot Say for certain whether science is a curse or a blessing. it is our use of science which would make science a curse or a Blessing . First let us see how man has used science for his good so that it has become a blessing for him. it is science that has provided modern man the life of ease, leisure and pleasure. It has brought within reach of the common man comforts and luxuries which were available in the past only to a privileged few.Science has invented marvelous machines. It has discovered energies which run these machines. The machines have taken drudgery out of work. Distance has been conquered. Modern means of transport and communication have made the word shrink in size. Men and things and news and views can go around the globe today with lightning speed. Man has already landed on the moon and a man-made satellite has just completed it’s voyage through the solar system.Our life has become healthier and longer. Modern hygiene, sanitation, medicine and surgery ar e conquering more and more physical and mental ills day by day. We now know and experience the joys of good health and longevity. Through the cinema and the video, the TV and the tape-reorder, science has worked wonders in the spheres of education and entertainment.Though we welcome these blessing of science, we have to consider the darker side of the picture also. Machines have led to unemployment. They have polluted water and atmosphere. Thy have caused noise pollution. Factories have led to slums where human beings live in squalor. Our moral and spiritual progress has failed to keep pace with our scientific progress. We have allowed science to master us instead of using it as our servant.Machines make us mechanical, deaden our sensibilities, stifle our creative talents, force mechanical regularity, uniformity and boredom upon us, increase our wants and desires, and tend to make us selfish, greedy and cruel. Geographical distance has, no doubt, vanished, but the gulf between the m inds and hearts of man has widened.Machines have given man leisure, but man misuses it to get cheap and vulgar entertainment which destroys his physical and mental health. Again, science  has put in our hands such fiendish weapons as the nuclear bomb, the guided missile and means of chemical and biological warfare. We are in danger of destroying ourselves with these monstrous means which, ironically, are our own creations. Rightly used science can bring heaven on earth. Wrongly used, it can trun this earth in to hell by destroying civilization.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis of the poem A strange Meeting Essay

In the elegy â€Å"strange Meeting â€Å", Owen brings the horrors of wars and their devastating effect on those involved, he emphasizes their part in hindering the world from progress . War and death are presented in this poem through the story of two dead soldiers ,who fought on opposite sides , and who meet again in Hell . They speak of their shared hopefulness of the â€Å"undone years † . Owen’s manipulation of words and his use of artistic devices in the poem takes the reader to a vivid awareness of the real dreadfulness of battles and death. The speaker in the poem ,who is a soldier, starts the poem by saying that he seemed to † escape† the battle to somewhere else , a place he discovers later to be Hell . The mere use of the word † escape † implies that the speaker was trapped in war before he escapes to Hell which is , when compared to battle, a relief. Owen says that common words associated with wars like chivalry , courage and gallantry do not describe wars, not really, instead war is pain , sorrow and loss . He emphasizes on the destructiveness of wars to those involved . He says † yet also there encumbered sleepers groaned † , so they are † encumbered † physically with their uniforms and sacks and emotionally with too much sadness and sorrow brought to them by war . Those sleepers are † too fast in thought or death † to be stirred . One of those sleepers † sprang up † from death and smiles , although he smiles but still it is a smile of death . That man recognizes the speaker for he, the speaker, is the one who killed him as we know later in the poem . The poet describes this other man’s face as † grained † with † a thousand pains â€Å", pains from his previous life and past experiences in battle . Now they are in Hell , a place of anguish and despair , a place where shouts of pain and torment is expected , but oh no , not in this poem . Hell is a quit place where there is silence † yet no blood reached there from the upper ground † † and no guns thumped , or down the flues made moan † . So Own draws a picture of silence in Hell and contrasts this picture with battle where noise, blood and moans are everywhere . The speaker says about Hell that † here is no cause to mourn † no more grief or sadness . The stranger agrees with him † None † as if they are both relieved that it finally Al Neghaimshi 2 ended , finally they will rest . † Save the undone years , the hopelessness † This is their only regret . They shared so many in the past , the two of them , similar lives , experiences and similar horrors and pains that they could be called â€Å"friends † in spite of the fact that they are actually strangers . â€Å"Strange Friend † as paradoxical as it seems but still true , † Whatever hope is yours , was my life also † . Owen argues that wars † trek† the nations from progress and he calls it † retreating world † . The poet says † when much blood had clogged their chariot-wheels † he would go and † wash them † . Owen takes into his hands as a poet † to warn † as he said himself once , † Even with truths that lies too deep † . He says he will do it † not through wounds ; not on the cess of war † , so it is not through innocent people , not through wars that destroys the lives of many . † Forehead of men have bled where no wounds were † that’s a clear indication to the myth of Christ which says that before he was crucified his body sweat blood , He was the one who paid for the sins of the humankind and so are those men paying their lives in wars whom foreheads † bled where no wounds were † . † I am the enemy you killed , my friend † a beautiful line towards the end of the poem . Although we stand in life different and enemies , but we shared the same experience and will share the same destiny . He closes the poem by saying † let us sleep now ..† let us finally rest and forget the horrors and pains . So ironic of Owen to let his protagonist finally rest in † Hell† . Aren’t people who fight for their countries are supposed to be martyrs and go to Heaven ? It is Owen’s way of doubting the cause which wars stand for , the cause after all is false . Owen by letting his two protagonist rest in Hell , he also conveys the message that Mankind must seek reconciliation , stop this bloodshed , they must embrace pity and love for each other . Owen writes this beautiful elegy that talks about war and death , but what is most ironical is that he himself dies in war .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Managerial economics-Ethics assignment Movie Review

Managerial economics-Ethics assignment - Movie Review Example Advertising another bailout package to the people and Congress proves to be a long stretch as suspicion and unwillingness is reasonably a hard sell when it involves companies that eaned billions. While Paulson figures out how to fix the problem, trying hard as he can to resolve it within the private sector, corporations are out for their own interests leading to the inevitable fall of Lehman Brothers. Eventually, the corporation files for bankruptcy and the bigger problems are just starting for big names that include AIG. This movie is ideal in understanding how the financial system in America works, not only that, it emphasizes on the interconnectivity of companies and even of governments that it is essential to appreciate that there must be mutual support instead of everyone only thinking for themselves. The role of managers can be seen to be the bridge that determines whether the company applies social responsibility or not. The relationship of businesses is important in building rapport and goodwill. In my own line of business importing and exporting goods, I find it true that the banks play a major role in the sustainability of trade. I do business internationally where I have to deal with people of different nationalities including the laws that apply to each transaction. The ethical conduct of business is just as important as the business itself. There are a number of ethical dilemmas in the film. Paulson, as a former banker who made his millions in Goldman Sachs, knows how they think and how they will react. At times he had been suspected of advocating for his own interests though the same is not true. He sat down the CEOs to push them to buy and support Lehman Brothers, but Merrill Lynch’s John Thain secretly called to push for the purchase of shares in his own company instead of Lehman Brothers. On the last part of the movie, Paulson managed to convince large banks to accept a nationalization

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Lived Experience of Older Hispanic Women with Chronic Arthritic Research Proposal

The Lived Experience of Older Hispanic Women with Chronic Arthritic Pain - Research Proposal Example The various factors that influence the effectiveness of the treatment or prevention need to be identified and evaluated for providing better care and mechanisms of pain management and preventive measures. The study would look at the lived experience of older Hispanic women with chronic arthritis and help identify the various aspects of health disparity, disability and pain due to chronic arthritis in older Hispanic women who are 65 years and above. 2a. Statement of the problem In the target demographic segment of 65 years and above age group, chronic diseases are quite common. Christ and Diwan (2009) assert that from 2010, when the baby boomers start turning 65 years and above, there would be significant rise in the aged population. CDC (2007) reports that ethnic minority and Hispanic older population would be nearly 39% of 65 and over population by 2050! Hispanic American would increase by 18%. The racial diversity of older population becomes important ingredient of healthcare deliv erables because of the increasing health disparity. It further informs that 54% of women are afflicted with arthritis. With relatively large percentage of population constituting of Hispanic Americans, women, in particular, are more prone to arthritis and other chronic diseases. 2b. Purpose of the study The basic purpose of the study would be to study the lived experience of older Hispanic women with chronic arthritis and find out various aspects of the illness that impact quality of life in the target segment. It would help to address the issue from the wider perspective of socio-economic and cultural paradigm that would help evolve new mechanisms for improving their life. 2c. Significance of the study The study would help the authorities and healthcare industries to address the various external factors that impact the effectiveness of the arthritis treatment in older Hispanic women. It would go a long way in easing the pain of the chronic illness in aged Hispanic women who have be en living with the constant pain and disability caused due to chronic arthritis. 3a. Research question Q1 To what extent ethnicity or culture influence the treatment experience? Q2 Why women are more vulnerable to chronic arthritis than men? Q3 What are the external environmental factors that impact the lived experience of older Hispanic women? Q4 How pain is perceived in chronic diseases across cultures? Q5 Should geriatric care be redefined vis-a-vis pain perception across culture? 3b. Hypothesis Arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis is associated with chronically painful syndrome of aching and burning pain of the joints (Merskey and Bogduck, 1994). Constant pain and difficulty in carrying out daily work are the major consequences of arthritis (Melanson and Downe-Wambolt, 2003). The disability becomes a crucial factor that not only impacts the physical condition of the women but also influences her mental and cognitive abilities to live normal life. The socio-economic conditi ons of the people can aggravate or delay the chances of age related diseases, especially arthritis. Indeed, environmental factors like poverty, cultural paradigms, racial health disparity etc. are significant factors that have adverse effect on the health. It is therefore assumed that by identifying the factors that influence its treatment, women

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consumer Behavior Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Consumer Behavior - Case Study Example The performance of iPod in the market can even be considered by market researchers as considerably illogical due to the fact that its features are opposing the norms of normal market trends such as affordability and flexibility in features yet continuously controlling the market with a significantly high market share. Compared to other products such as Nokia, the iPod is relatively high end, being exclusive in the features and having a very distinct appearance and characteristics. Although the product is neither affordable nor flexible in the features, it is highly recognizable thus considered to have transcended to ‘cult status’ or have subculture of its own. 2. The iPod product then can be considered as an agent for shifting culture in terms of technology. Initially the iPod users can be described as a diverse group who undergo a certain influence which can result to a transformation to the group known as the iPod users who are proud and confident of the product they are using to the point of accessorizing the said products regardless of the need or the price of such activity. Due to the said effects brought about by the introduction of the iPod in the market, the tradition of listening to music had been introduced to a world of new possibilities and limitless capabilities. The continuous improvement of the iPod technology can even be observed currently with the introduction of new features such as iPhone and iTouch which are included in the growing power and coverage of the iPod

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chose any of the folowings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chose any of the folowings - Essay Example The end result would be the recruitment and selection of human resource in excessive of demand. Therefore, human resource planning would be important as this would avoid situations of retrenchment in later cases or inflating the wage bill hence low profitability. It is also essential to have a well co-ordinated human resource plan in order to match skills with jobs. Scheduling of jobs to match skills is one area of resource planning. This reduces wastages in that people are given jobs that they can best handle unlike in situations where people do tasks that they little comprehend leading to losses, through breakages, over - usage of materials. It also avoids wastages in terms of time saved. When people are assigned jobs matching their experiences and skills. Effective human resource planning also culminates in an arrangement of jobs such that as one job is completed another is started. This reduces incidences of employees waiting to do their jobs past the official working hours which are costly to the firm since they have to be paid overtime. Such an arrangement could also have led to an increase in labour turnover rate. Secondly, resource planning aids the organization in the effective management of its cash flows, both cash inflows and cash outflows. When resources are planned, the right quantity/ volume are used thus avoiding tying up money in material resources. It is important for any given firm to have a steady flow of cash so that it can effectively carry out its dividend and re - investment decision. It also reduces its financial risk i.e. of not being able to meet short - term maturing financial obligations as and when they fall due for payment. Third, resource planning gives the firm and opportunity to benefit from discounts and also avoid certain penalties. When enough resources are set aside to buy materials, these can be purchased in large quantity which in turn attracts trade discounts. If on the other hand, the firm depletes all its resources at the end of the financial year, possibilities of meeting its statutory obligations of paying taxes would be minimized. The consequence is that the firm would be heavily penalized for not paying taxes. Resource planning avoids shortages. Shortages may occur in terms of materials, manpower etc. In a manufacturing enterprise it is important to plan the material requirements to avoid stock- outs. Experiencing of stock - outs translates to insufficient finished goods for sale which may not meet demand. Thus planning is essential in respect to materials to meet even unusually high demands hence improved profitability. On the other hand, curbing shortages in terms of labour through planning is also essential in that there are enough men and women workers at any one given time. Determination of cash requirements Without proper resource planning, an enterprise cannot be able to determine when it would need cash requirements and the methodology to be used. Through cash budgets an enterprise would know when a cash deficit would occur. It would then design and put into contemplation that such a deficit

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Intellectual Wellness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intellectual Wellness - Essay Example Essentially, intellectual wellness focuses on learning.  Any doing that assists an individual to explore the world around him or her, learn more regarding oneself or expand his or her mind in whichever way promotes healthy intellectual wellness.  One can accomplish the attainment and maintenance of self intellectual wellness in a number of ways including reading, participating in hobbies, learning new skills, appreciating art as well as being creative. In effect, every time one is learning something new regarding any of the other seven aspects of wellness, he or she is as well supporting his or her intellectual wellness (The 123 Feel Better Company, para2).   Patterson asserts that wellness does not only mean exploring one’s spirituality and emotional welfare, but it is also just as important to have a sharp, active mind. She quotes a book entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad, which stresses that exercising the mind is a vital life practice as well as an important skill essential for a wealthy, flourishing life. In her view, while majority of people want an abundant life, just a few of them remember to keep their minds healthy, engaged and in good use. Although it is sometimes hard to accomplish this in the rush of life since to many it appears like an additional chore to engage their mind to think hard when there is already so much contending for their attention, having and maintaining a sharp, active mind is a vital ingredient for an abundant life. Beamans International points out that an intellectually well individual understands the fact that completion of formal education does not indicate the end of learning. Instead, he or she seeks to understand and discover other viewpoints and is able to construe and articulate what he or she thinks regarding what he or she has learnt. Individuals can take various actions in order to keep their minds engaged. He or she can join an organization from which he or she would receive for instance, a word,

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Exploitation of Michael Jackson Research Paper

The Exploitation of Michael Jackson - Research Paper Example This paper will be showing how Michael Jackson has been viewed by the media and even his own fans. It will detail how he was used by other people and how media has always seen his negative side instead of his good points. It will argue that indeed, he was used and abused all his life. Then, this study will conclude with the real Michael Jackson, how he really is in the eyes of those who really knew who the person is beyond the mask. II. The Life of Michael Jackson When Michael Jackson first started his musical career, he instantly became the face of the local and international music scene, especially known for his pure vocal skills. His emotional expression when delivering his songs that were far beyond his age and experienced awed his audiences. His voice was still angelic despite puberty, unlike others whose voices change after a certain point. In fact, he went on to sell millions of records with his Off the Wall and Thriller albums. Soon after he had achieved such world class reco gnition, his name and face started to become the focus of the media. The motive for the countless fictional stories against Michael Jackson is still a mystery to date. However, a lot of people theorize that it could be an issue of power struggles, racism or simply the fact that he was famous. There were a lot of speculation regarding his sexuality and rumors spreading that he was homosexual. Naturally a private and shy individual, Jackson rarely talk about his relationships and sexuality. But the fact that he neither acknowledged nor denied the rumors about him being homosexual was enough for the media to pick on him even more. Michael Jackson loved and respected his fans so much, even those who were gay. The real reason why he did not disclose his sexual orientation was because he did not want to alienate these said fans. There were also reports that gained worldwide focus about Michael Jackson sleeping in an oxygen chamber as opposed to a normal bed. This story started when Jackson was severely injured due to an accident in the taping of his Pepsi advertisement. His hair caught on fire after one of the explosions’ spark fell on his hair. At twenty-six years old, he was practically left bald because of second and third degree burns. This sad incident required multiple skin grafts and reconstructive surgery. This sparked his empathy for victims of burns, donating the hyperbaric chamber and $1.5 million that he received on the settlement to the Brotman Medical Center. He also started the Michael Jackson Burn Center. Since them, tabloid media released images of Jackson seen â€Å"hammering around† in the chamber and came up with the story that he liked sleeping in it beca use he did not want to grow old. The press also displayed so much interest on the multimillion dollar estate of Michael Jackson located in Santa Barbara County. In here, he built a ranch equipped with a live animal zoo, trains, theaters and amusement park rides. He enjoyed going to theme parks but his fame did not permit him to do outings. Since he feared being mobbed by paparazzi and fans, he built his own amusement park, which he called the Neverland Valley Ranch (from his favorite children’s tale, Peter Pan) and made it available to sick and disadvantaged children. He can strongly relate to Mr. Barry, losing his personal childhood because of recordings, concerts and TV shows. Whimsical articles announced the oddity of the Neverland Ranch but Michael Jackson defended it

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Inequality in the UK its effect on the national economy Essay

Inequality in the UK its effect on the national economy - Essay Example Why should economists care about inequality in the distribution of incomes? Poverty and economic inequality are intimately bound with one another both as a policy or an analytical issue. Economic well-being and income distribution are related as demonstrated in the societal understanding of justice and human rights, and, therefore, render economic equality an intrinsic value. High levels of economic equity are associated with desirable social outcomes especially in the realms of health and crime (Andrew and Meen2006). The EU defines poverty as living on less than half the average national income, as such, irrespective of the average income, the greater the income inequality, the higher levels of poverty in a country. The definition of the extent of poverty depends on both the level of a society’s income and the distribution of income. Therefore, societal standards or norms of essential needs in a society are determined by the middle class (Brueckner, Thisse and Zenou 1999). In the case of two societies where the bottom segments have the same level of income, poverty is more prevalent in the in the society where income is more unequally distributed. The bottom quintile of the unequal society will be more isolated from the middle quintile and will, therefore, be further from meeting the standards of that society. As a result, more members of this bottom quintile will be stuck in poverty (Beroube 2005).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Discuss the issue Ethical Business and How it relates to csr Essay Example for Free

Discuss the issue Ethical Business and How it relates to csr Essay Discuss the issue Ethical Business and how it relates to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). With reference to sources, provide examples of companies or organisations which demonstrate ethical behaviour and evaluate their motivation. The ideas of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility are oftentimes discussed in a similar manner even though they both have distinctly different definitions. As the name suggests, the term ethical business or business ethics is associated with a mixture of both ‘ethics’ and ‘business’. According to Oxford English Dictionary (2010) a business is the buying and selling of products or services with an aim of profit making. Ethics, on the other hand is more complex in that it involves human judgment, between what is right and wrong, in regards to activities and their consequences towards the society (Velasquez, et al. , 2010). Chryssides and Kaler (1993) have drawn attention to the fact that in the same way that political ethics is related to honouring the right and wrong in governmental concerns, or medical ethics being identified with the morality in medical practice, business ethics can simply be defined as the issue of morality within the business industry whereby â€Å"morality is taken to mean moral judgments, standards and rules of conduct† (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 1997, p. 5). Therefore, ethical business can now be defined as the ethics or principles that act as one’s behavioral rules and regulations when dealing in the world of business (Ferrell, et al. , 2010). On the other hand, reference to The World Business Council for Sustainable Development explains CSR by putting across that a business has responsibilities and obligations that go beyond the workplace (WBCSD, 2001). This essentially signifies the voluntary duty that organisations participate in to fulfill the demands of a broader range of stakeholders (Jamali and Mirshak, 2006). Based on the definitions stated above, it would seem that CSR and business ethics share similar theories, considering the fact that both of their notions go further than profit-based decisions and into values along with concerns for the society as a whole (Mullerat, 2010). Having said that, it is certainly interesting to see that most people are inclined to link CSR with the positive operations of a firm yet when a business engages in a non-moral act, they set the stunt side by side with business ethics or rather, the lack of (Crane and Matten, 2010). The question of how business ethics relates to CSR can now be evaluated more closely. Some examples of issues in ethical business as well as CSR include harming the environment and sweatshop labour on top of fraud, health and safety and campaigning (IBE/Ipsos MORI 2009, cited in Irwin, 2010). This essay will comprehensively explore the motivations of firms that have demonstrated brilliant presentations of business ethics, such as Microsoft Inc. as well as examining the motives behind their ethical decisions. Additionally, it will also look at other corporations that have been linked with having high regards to ethics in business yet have been accused in making poor business choices in the recent years, for instance HM’s disposal of unsold clothing items in New York in 2010 (Daily Mail Reporter, 2010). Until recent years, HennesMauritz, more commonly known as HM has been highly admired for launching the use of organic cotton into the high street clothing (Vijayaraghavan, 2010). Green Retail Decisions (2011) reports that it even succeeded in surpassing their organic cotton goal usage in 2010 by tripling their original aim, manufacturing 15,000 tonnes of organic cotton. Furthermore, the company was also proud in producing high street attires out of 16,000 tonnes of fabric that have been recycled (Green Retail Decisions, 2011). Be that as it may, when the firm threw away unsold clothes outside of one of its retail outlets, many were not only left appalled but also questioning their business ethics (Daily Mail Reporter, 2010). In the same year, HM were involved in two more shocking headlines in the news, one of which includes the contamination of the organic cotton textile with GM, and the other being a suspicion of unsustainably made clothes (Vijayaraghavan, 2010). As previously stated, HM is widely respected for working with organic materials on their products. However, when genetically modified cotton was found in random product test conducted in a research lab, they were left with nothing to be applauded for. Hence, it is clear that this particular case study provides contradicting information on HM’s aims and motivations towards ethical decision-makings within their business. Even though they have been acceptable in their business ethics, for many of their stakeholders, the four issues specified above may heavily indicate otherwise. Another good example of a company with a similar situation is Coca Cola alongside its recent endeavours with ethical crises. Ferrel et al. (2011), in their book write that the company has been facing various allegations regarding their ethical misdemeanours since the 1990s, some of which include racial prejudice, pollution and consumption of natural resources. The claim against one of the world’s most acknowledged beverage companies, Coca Cola, otherwise known as Coke, for the practice of racial discrimination within their working environment was taken to court in April 1999 (Winter, 2000). In his article, Winter (2000) reports that Coke practiced a method of pay scale that is based upon a hierarchy whereby employees of African American background were situated at the bottom, earning $26,000 on average less than white workers in a year. Although the company denied all charges at the time, the public was clearly upset, resulting in a decline of their shares at the end of the 90’s (Fairfield, 2007). As a consequence of this, Coca Cola lost one of their main investors and biggest shareholder of 17 years, Warren Buffet in 2006 (Teather, 2006). Having their reputation jeopardised, Coca Cola announced the establishment of a new department to their company, the diversity group (The New York Times, 1999). Since the formation of this group, Coca Cola has been voted 46th on the DiversityInc’s top 50 list of businesses with the best practices along with coming 6th in The DiversityInc Top 10 Companies for Blacks and Latinos (DiversityInc, 2012). In addition to this, Black Enterprise magazine has also awarded the organisation with numerous awards honouring their commitment to establish a working environment that is accepting of different cultures along with featuring the company in the Black Enterprise magazine’s yearly 40 Best Companies for Diversity list (Staff, 2012). DiversityInc (2012) also reports that Coca Cola donates forty percent of their humanitarian effort to culturally diverse non-profit organisations, such as their recent contribution to the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation. With that in mind, their ethics in business can be considered as acceptable to the public eye and it is almost unthinkable to think that they were accused of race-related discrimination just over a decade ago. The cases of HM and Coca Cola are referred to in this essay to express the similarity in their questionable motives. HM’s claim of being environmentally conscious with their utilisation of organic cotton within their business proves irrelevant after being caught with immoral acts that were stated earlier. The genuineness of their principles in business ethics is flawed by this flagrant contradiction since one would argue that if their sense of responsibility for the environment were great, they would not be accountable for such unethical activities. On the other hand, Coca Cola only responded to possessing ethics in their business environment after being sued and attracting negative media attention, not including the obvious decline in their sales even though they still remained as the world’s leading carbonated cola in 2006 (Fairfield, 2007). Thus, similarly the sincerity behind Coca Cola’s motive to develop a diversity group and their emphasis in cultural acceptance is also suspicious because these were only developed and implemented after the public uproar. Although it may be surprising, Microsoft Inc. can also be compared to Coca Cola and HM to an extent in terms of the motivations behind their CSR works as well as business ethics practices. The co-founder and chairman of Microsoft Inc. , Bill Gates is widely known and celebrated for his great donations to the public. In 2011, Microsoft Inc. won the award for being ‘Most Ethical, beating Google and Facebook after making donations of millions of dollars to non profit organisations and charities, establishing plans of actions for economic development as well as heightening their means of central reporting procedures (Smith, 2011). Having said all this, it is shocking to note that only just 15 years ago, a board experts at a panel in a well-known seminar held in California could not answer and decide whether Microsoft Inc. were an ethical corporation. (Spinello, 2003). Spinello (2003) continues to write that not only were the panel of experts unsure of the answer, the audience, who were consisted of scholarly representatives did not know how to respond either. This is because Microsoft Inc. has been involved in an antitrust inspection worldwide and some Americans have referred to this event as the â€Å"antitrust trial of the century† (Mota, 2005). The antitrust laws, otherwise known as competition laws were introduced by the American government to protect customers from being exploited by companies who practice unfair competition in the market (Investopedia, 2011). Gates is also the primary shareholder in America’s second biggest waste administration called the Republic Services (O’Hagan, 2013). In her article O’Hagan (2013) questions how the co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation can spread the word to publicise vaccinations for poliomyelitis, a disease that can cause a temporary or permanent paralysis while â€Å"Republic Services is locking out its workers as part of an industrial dispute†, a policy that may put a risk to the Americans’ sanitary. There is no doubt that Microsoft Inc. ’s involvement in charity work over the years have been generous and can be regarded as a model example of a company who takes their corporate social responsibilities seriously. However, it is also evident that while their voluntary organisations are remarkable, their business practice leaves with less to be awed for. Hence, similar to the HM case brought up previously, there is a contradiction between Microsoft’s work with charity and some of their immoral activities in the workplace. It is also comparable to Coca Cola in that it only came to be involved in large ‘corporate citizenship’ after the aftermath from their antitrust cases (Smith, 2011). It is safe to say that most companies are fighting to prove their good works through all types of methods, charity works in the case of Microsoft Inc. as well as forming a new diversity department in the case of Coca Cola. With thousands of other corporations yearning to prove their sincerity in making ethical decisions and practicing moral behaviour in the workplace, it is becoming tougher to examine just how responsible and principled an organisation is (Kwan, 2012). Kwan (2012) writes that this issue can be solved with the help of a B Corp certification. B Corp stands for Benefit Corporations, which is one of the latest kinds of corporate structure, acting as a third party classification to calculate the effects of an organisation to the environment (Fritz, 2013). Balch (2012) argues that the term benefit not only considers social and environmental aspects of a business but also its financial side as well, where he insists that 21st century capitalism would be a hybrid of generating social value together with maximising financial returns. B Corps essentially â€Å"provides what is lacking elsewhere: proof† to support that the specific company is in actual fact practicing what is proclaimed by them, hence, useful for firms whose focus is to not only make profit but also putting social and environmental interest a primary concern while doing so (Rosenberg, 2011). Although certifying B Corps to sincere businesses with aims of increasing positive social and environmental impacts sound fair, smaller and newer companies may say otherwise (Akalp, 2011). In their academic journal, Helsey et al. (2013) report that a company must be prepared to invest on their time and money to obtain the status. Depending on the area that they are operating in, the business must able to relate themselves with certain criteria listed, such as â€Å"providing low-income or undeserved individuals or communities with beneficial products or services† (Helsey et al, 2013). Fritz (2013) also confirms that a company must be assessed in accordance to the B Ratings System in which they must score at least 80 points out of 200 on top of consenting to changes in their legal articles of incorporation. Furthermore, there is a fee involved, which varies depending on the revenue of the firm (Akalp, 2013). This implies that organisations with strong awareness and appreciation of responsibilities may choose not to be certified with B Corps and thus put across a sense of false portrayal to companies without the B Corp certificate (Akalp, 2013). Therefore, it can be argued that larger companies with a higher source of income can afford to pay more to be certified. In addition to this, there have also been criticisms on the marking boundaries of the certification process. As stated earlier, companies need to score a point of 80 out of the maximum 200. Horatio (2012) disputes that this only indicates a 40% passing score for a company to be certified, which he claims as â€Å"not much of a standard† and â€Å"essentially worthless†. With that in mind, a case could be made that there is now a limitation to the authenticity of the certificate since large companies can afford to pay their way through the process and most probably pass the low 40% passing requirement. The purpose of this essay has been to convey that most companies, regardless of their past, recent or current reputation are never completely ethical in their business activities and that in one way or another, they have been associated with its share of moral negligence. With the examples used in the essay, it is safe to say that most companies that operate in what is considered to be as ethical to the public are only doing so to receive public attractions, and consequently earn more profits and success to the company. It is important to draw attention to the fact that there is a fundamental difference between what a company does and what their beliefs are. Just because a company is praised for their CSR related activities and was voted amongst the best of companies with high business ethics performance, this does not indicate that they are doing so for the sake of the planet or the people. If anything, this essay has been stating otherwise, demonstrating that most ethically responsible organisations are only involved in ethical activities to draw consumers in, thus, increase their profit.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Forensic Science In Twenty First Century Criminal Justice Criminology Essay

Forensic Science In Twenty First Century Criminal Justice Criminology Essay Forensic science (often is written as forensics) is a number of different sciences that answer questions of legal system. This may be relevant to a crime or a civil action. It is also relevant to a legal system, more generally forensic science covers the accepted scientific methodology and norms with the help of which the facts regarding some events, or artifacts, or some other physical item that can be the case. In that regard the concept is related to the idea of authentication, where by an interest outside of a legal form exists in determining whether an object is what it wishes to be, or is alleged as being. Nowadays it is certainly easier to solve crime problems than it was 70 years ago, because of the progress that was made in science, and especially in forensic science. New crime solving techniques that appeared were created in order to help law experts to solve cases that are baffling the first time. If we took a look at the role that forensic science plays in the sphere of justice criminal law, we would understand how significant it is in solving crime problems because: It really helps to identify the gist of the crime: we can divide crime into two types: crimes that are accidents and another type is: that are made by design. Analyzing the evidence with the help of a forensic microscope we see experts in enforcement area to understand if the crime can be qualified as a murder, suicide or some other form of accidental death. If it is qualified as a murder, experts tell if the crime was accidental or not. Forensic science is used to detect drug offenses, automobile accidents and burglaries and arsons Forensic science helps to remove someones prejudices to the crime: It makes officers to explore only the evidence and not look at their feelings or instincts. That is why it helps to have the right way to solve a crime (Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2004, p. 32). We also should mention that the most important is that, it helps solve the crime itself: Examine such facts as the time of death or any other physical basis, forensics can tell for sure if a man is guilty in the crime or innocent as he claims. Forensic science extends into a lot of sub-sciences which uses natural science techniques to get relevant criminal and legal evidence (Richbourg, J., 2004, p.17). Forensic science specialties of the 21st century include: Forensic Accounting This science allows receiving, examining and taking into account obtained data. Digital Forensics (also called as Computing Forensics) includes scientific methods and techniques used for search, recovery of information on digital media (pictures, e-mail). Forensic Document Examination This science allows studying, recovering and understanding the documents, making an analysis of handwriting and drawings, charts and graphics. Many studies involve a comparison of the observed document, or components of it, to a set of known standards. Forensic Economics The purchasing, researching and understanding of evidence that are from economic field, business. Forensic Engineering This science includes reconstruction, researching and explanation of buildings. (Escholz S., 2002, p. 319). Forensic Linguistics The searching and explanation of language. Forensic Origin and Cause The researching, explanation and identification of a fire for the express purpose of determining the cause of ignition and origin of the fire. Forensic Anthropology is the kind of physical anthropology, relevant to a legal situation, examines bones. Forensic Photography reconstructing, and preceding a photographic explanation of a crime scene. Forensic Psychology and Psychiatry It includes researching, evaluation and understanding of mental illnesses and mans behavior for. Criminalistics is the supplement of combination of clues (i.e. fingerprints imprint footwear impressions and tire tracks), ballistics, trace evidence, controlled material. Criminalistics includes clues collected from different kinds of sciences to find the answers of questions relating to the researching and comparison of criminal investigations. This evidence is usually processed in a crime lab. Forensic Biology includes testing DNA and serological tests of physiological that helps in identification and individualization. Forensic Entomology helps in determination of time and location of death, by studding how insects influence the human remains, also can tell if the body was moved after death or not. Forensic Geology is a kind of science that works with minerals, soils and petroleum (Escholz et al., 2002, p. 321; Surette, 1998.p. 194). Forensic Meteorology is an analysis of prior weather situation, specific to the site being observed. Forensic Odontology is the science about teeth- specifically, the uniqueness of dentition. Forensic Pathology combines the spheres of medicine and pathology, determines the cause of injury or death. Forensic Toxicology is science that helps to give the evaluation and the elucidation of the effects of chemicals, poisons, and drugs on the human body. Forensic archaeology is the example of a mixture of forensics and archaeological techniques. Forensic psychology discovers the humans mind, with scientific methods. It often deals with the circumstances behind a criminals behavior. Forensic video analysis is the scientific research, comparison, and analyzing of video in legal matters (Cather, K.H., 2004, pp.9-10). Forensic engineering is the studding and analyzing of different objects in order to answer questions as to their failure or reason of damage. Forensic limnology is the analyzing of clues gathered from crime scenes in or around fresh water sources. Revision of biological organisms, particularly diatoms, can be used in connecting suspects with victims. Forensic science is very important for policing, criminal investigations and court processes because it helps with: Crime-Solving Contributions. Forensic science helps in to solving crimes through investigative activities such as studding the reason of death, finding missing persons and identifying suspects. Determining Cause of Death. Experts-pathologists define the reason of someones death by making autopsies. Making such procedures, they can tell the reason of death and the time of it. Identifying Suspects. Forensic experts can understand suspects by examine clues got from the scene of a crime ( hairs, blood, fibers and fingerprints). Finding Missing Persons. Scientists can help to find people disappeared a long time using the process of image modification. Using this method, a photograph can show how someone may look after some years without being seen (Cather, K.H., 2004, pp.11; Escholz et al., 2002, p. 339). Profiling Criminals. Forensic experts use profiling when they want to find suspects. While studding a crime accident, they can tell about a criminals personality and patterns. Forensic Science is important because it helps in analyzing of forensic clue is used in the prosecution and investigation of civil and criminal proceedings.   It can help to find the guilt or innocence of suspects. The public is primarily educated about forensic science by Hollywood films and television shows (Barak, 1995, p. 3). Within the past ten years, the emphasis on forensics as a primary tool to solve crimes has increased significantly on broadcast television with shows like CSI. In comparison, Hollywood films have rarely featured a forensic scientist working in a lab or out in the field as a main character. Typically, the police make a stop at the crime lab to drop off or pick up potential evidence, thus move the films investigative plot forward. Nevertheless, as depicted by the media, forensic science is a broad field practiced by both genuine forensic scientists and law enforcement investigators. In the real world, the duties of forensic specialists are normally limited to forensic science techniques; however, police investigators use forensic methods on occasion (Cather, K.H., 2004, p.13) Audiences have learned about forensics from television as well as film. Television has shown both traditional forensic science and the use of forensic science by law enforcement through news shows, documentaries, docudramas and crime dramas. These have been given much greater exposure lo the public in various television formats than Hollywood films ever did. Probably first to focus on forensic scientists were investigative news shows, such as 60 Minutes, 48 Hours, and MSNBC investigates. These often featured repugnant criminal acts that were solved through the use of forensic science evidence. During the mid 1990s, docudramas that focus on forensic scientists began to emerge. New Detectives, FBI Files, and Forensic Files, feature actors to recreate actual cases to depict how forensic science evidence assisted in the successful capture of offenders. Nowadays there are a lot of videos and documentary films about forensics, such as A Case of Murder, Dead Mens Tales, Killers Trail, The Case for Innocence, The Case for Innocence, Jeffersons Blood, The Bone Collector, Murder by Numbers, Kiss the Girls. We should also mention such great television Series with Forensic Science Elements as CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Crossing Jordan, Law and Order (Richbourg, J., 2004, p.19). We can find a lot of True life crime forensic science on television in such shows as: New Detectives, Forensic Files, I, Detective, Cold Case Files, Medical Detectives, Forensic Science, Unsolved History. The fact that television shows aspects of sciences makes it a honor. The TV shows like CSI has made students to be interested in forensics courses. Young people who watch CSI believe that those scenarios, where forensic scientists are always right, are what happen in reality. It means that in court, juries are not always impressed with evidence presented using scientific terms. Another big problem created by media coverage of forensic science is that it informs criminals of the techniques the police use to catch them. That is why, some forensics experts are not willing to cooperate with the media (Cather, K.H., 2004, pp.13). There is an increasing amount of criminals who use gloves while making crimes and even use condoms during rapes in order not to leave their DNA at the scene. As a conclusions we can say that a minority of Americas population has had no direct experience with the criminal justice system (Escholz et al., 2002, p. 328; Surette Otto, 2002, p. 450). That is why those who are called for jury duty know very little of the capabilities of the use of forensic science to resolve criminal investigations. With the media serving as a primary source of information to 95% of the public (Surette, 1998.p. 197), the reality of forensic science in the average citizens mind could be based only on the medial depictions of forensic experts. The ability of media to reach a broad audience seems to have caused a reaction by trial lawyers. For the last several years, the forensic crime drama CSI has surpassed the popularity of any other television show (Nielson Media Research. 2004). Nearly 80% of the surveyed lawyers suspected fans of forensic crime dramas have unrealistic expectations of evidence. The common belief among trial lawyers that forensic crime dramas create such unrealistic expectations seems to have resulted in several changes while preparing for trials and during criminal proceedings. First, a slight majority of the lawyers reported they ask jury candidates if they specifically view forensic crime dramas during voir dire. Attorneys also may be compensating for the possibility that jurors have unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence by submitting additional evidence for forensic testing. Fifty-one percent of the lawyers reported requesting some forensic tests more than they did five years ago. In contras t, prosecuting attorneys maybe requesting further forensic test because of an increased interest in matters involving forensic science by defense attorneys. For every topic of defense interest investigated by the current study, at least 59% of the lawyers reported an increase. The responses to surveys by criminal trial lawyers suggest the majority of attorneys have reacted the current popularity of forensic crime dramas. Before these findings can be accepted as a general nationwide trend, further research in multiple regions of the country is needed. Qualitative and quantitative studies should be designed to test the findings of this study and expound upon this possibility. Better preparation by judges and attorneys to counter such a trend is warranted.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

When I was in elementary school, I loved to read. I was a total nerd back then ... okay maybe I still am, but one thing has changed. Now I don't so much like reading. My favorite poet was Shel Silverstein, who wrote "Where the Sidewalk Ends." He seemed like he was a total hippie, but that's cool because I like hippies. My grandma is a recovering hippie. I like her too. Anyway, Shel Silverstein wrote about the coolest things. He wrote about magical erasers, eating whales and a boy with long hair flying away from people who were taunting him. He captured all of the things that I loved without knowing that I actually loved them. Now you may ask, how does this hippie relate to our graduation? Well, he wrote a poem entitled "Traffic Light" and this is how it goes: "The traffic light simply would not turn green So the people stopped to wait As the traffic rolled and the wind blew cold And the hour grew dark and late "Zoom-varuum, trucks, trailers, Bikes and limousines, Clatterin' by - me oh my! Won't that light turn green? "But the days turned weeks, and the weeks turned months And there on that corner they stood, Twiddlin' their thumbs till the changin' comes The way good people should. "And if you walk by that corner now, You may think it's rather strange To see them there as they hopefully gaze With the very same smile on their very same face As they patiently stand in the very same place And wait for the light to change." Last year I took Ms. Gilbert. A good chunk of you have as well. For those of you who didn't , if you looked around and saw pathetic-looking, sleep-deprived zombies, those were Ms. Abbott's victims ... I mean students. As a direct result of her class, I cannot do anything without finding symbolism in it. Darn her for making me find meaning in life. What a concept! The poem "Traffic Light" is dripping with symbolism. We, the class of 2003, have been standing at a traffic light.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lord of the Flies by William Golding Essay -- Lord of the Flies Good V

Lord of the Flies by William Golding Lord of the flies was written by William Golding in 1954. It is an enthralling, book that explores the concept of the behaviour of man when he is exempt from society. Golding achieves this by stranding a group of British schoolboys on a secluded island, in the midst of a war. Throughout this period the boys evolve from being civilised and let savagery take over. This book is well written and effectively presents the theme of the story: the evil that man is capable of. Once read, this book will stay in your memory for its provocative idea that humans are a flawed race. The story takes place on a remote, tropical island. As the island is secluded, there is no contact from the outside world. This is significant because this means that the rules that applied in the outside world don’t apply here. The boys are now free from society, which holds together people’s judgement of what is right and what is wrong. The absence of such an influential factor to the peace of man, permits anarchy to break out. The island is a microsm of the real world. This means that the same fundamental activities that take place in the real world also take place on the island, just on a smaller scale. For example the outside world is fighting an intense war; a war is also taking place on the island, the battle of civilisation and savagery. The lord of the flies presents many themes and ideas. The major ones being good versus evil or civilisation versus barbarism and the evil man is capable of. Golding portrays that there are two major impulses in man. Order and civilisation or anarchy and savagery. He also implies that anarchy is the more dominant impulse. He depicts the battle of good ve... ...brutality and evil of man. They have just killed piggy and have compared his body to one of a dead pigs, they don’t even view him as a human, let alone value the life of a human. The contrast presented in the quote, â€Å"Which is better – to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?† paints a picture of the central theme of the story. Civilisation or Savagery. The boys finally get rescued at the end of the book by a navy officer. Linked to the outside world it is ironic because this officer, dressed in white is depicted as an angel, their salvation. However this very soldier is a symbol of the evil man is capable of, by fighting in the war. This book has demonstrated that humans are flawed. We are capable of great evil. This is still relevant in today’s society because, put under the right situations, you too could carry out unspeakable atrocities.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Integrative Learning Project: Organizational Setting Essay

The Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC, serves the north-central part of Tennessee and south-central part of Kentucky, with offices in Clarksville, Tennessee. The firm was established on Christian principles, focusing on helping individuals through their greatest times of need, in 1984. The firm handles a wide array of types of cases, including personal injury, criminal defense, bankruptcy, divorce, and custody matters in state, federal, and military courts. Kevin C. Kennedy is its founding member and managing partner, yet still practices and is still active in the firm’s operations. There are three office locations across the city; with a main office by the county courthouse, another office close to Fort Campbell’s gates, and the last location provides a location closer to individuals on the northeastern part of town. Mission The Kennedy Law Firm’s main mission is â€Å"to be that rock in times of trouble by providing quality legal advice and support to people going through divorce, an arrest, injury or bankruptcy† (Google+, 2015). The firm seeks to provide its services based on Christian ideals, which the founding partner pursues by actively participating in numerous community events. The office by Fort Campbell is even being used by a church for services and other meetings. Mr. Kennedy does not hide his commitment to God, and he boldly proclaims his views in advertising and other interactions. The firm meets this mission by opening at 7:00 AM Monday through Friday, staying open until 6:00 PM Monday through Thursday, and being open on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. There is not one other firm in the Clarksville area that has hours which are as accommodating to their customer base. Mr. Kennedy even encourages his attorneys to schedule appointments outside of those hours, should it be something that the customer needs to get the legal service desired. Customers The Kennedy Law Firm’s external customer base is made up of individuals from all walks of life, from rich to poor, Christian to non-believer, and any and all race or ethnicity. Virtually anyone may fall victim to the perils of a legal battle, so the firm’s customers cannot be classified as falling within any particular â€Å"type† or â€Å"category†. Internally, the firm’s customers are made up of the attorneys. The paralegals, assistants, and other support staff must ensure that the work they are doing meets the needs and wants of the attorneys. Furthermore, the attorneys must work hard to meet the high standards for a Christian organization, as set by the managing partner. Value As an attorney for the firm, I provide legal services for the customers that walk through the door. More specifically, I am one of only a couple of attorneys that have committed to remain in the office until 6:00 PM to ensure that an attorney is available when the office is open. Furthermore, I provide greater payment flexibility to clients so that they might actually be able to afford quality legal representation without taking on an insurmountable debt. Even though as a young attorney with a growing client base I do not make an income which many may attribute to attorneys when they think of them, I still attempt to take on pro bono work to help those individuals that cannot even afford the flexible payment arrangements which we try to establish. My previous work for Westlaw, a legal research provider, has also made me invaluable to the firm. I have helped other attorneys and paralegals in the firm with posing research queries and setting up their accounts to get the most from the system with the least amount of effort. I was able to increase the efficiency of research efforts for practically every individual within the firm. This means that the services we provide can be done at less cost, a saving which can be passed on to clients in an effort to make justice more accessible for all. Biblical Integration Christianity plays a huge role in this firm, and it was one of the major factors which drew me to seeking employment with the firm. Not only does the firm unashamedly advertise its Christian ideals and roots, the  atmosphere in the office shows the same strong embrace of such ideals. Employees are free to discuss their religious viewpoints with one another, which only further solidifies the family-like environment which permeates the firm. Every meeting is closed with a prayer, and every morning a Bible study session is offered in the conference room for those employees wanting and able to attend. Reference The Kennedy Law Firm, PLLC. Google+ profile page. Retrieved on January 25, 2015, from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Types Of Language Learning Strategies Education Essay

Chapter 4IntroductionThis chapter focuses on the findings obtained from the information collected through the study. Respondents of the study were the ADFP and ACTP pupils of the American Degree Programme in INTEC, UiTM Shah Alam. The informations collected were analyzed utilizing the SPSS package bundle version 16.0. The findings are presented based on the research inquiries in chapter 1: What are the acquisition schemes used by the respondents? What is the degree of college self-efficacy among the respondents? What is the degree of academic accomplishment among the respondents? What is the relationship between larning schemes and self efficaciousness on academic accomplishment? What is the part of each discrepancy of independent variable towards academic accomplishment?Table 4.1Demographic Background of respondents harmonizing to gender andethnicity ( n=285 )Respondents Profile Frequency ( n ) Percentage ( % )GenderMale 162 56.8 Female 123 43.2EthnicityMalay 138 48.4 Chinese 91 31.9 Indian 31 10.9 Others 25 8.8Entire 285 100Table 4.1 presents the demographic information of the respondents involved in this survey. More male pupils participated in the survey with a per centum of 56.8 % compared to 43.2 % who were female pupils. On another class of ethnicity, Malay pupils were the chief respondents in this survey with a per centum of 48.4 % while Chinese pupils comprised about 31.9 % of the entire sample. Another 10.9 % of the respondents are of Indian ethnicity while the concluding 8.8 % are of other ethnics.Table 4.2Descriptive Analysis of Types of Language Learning SchemesTypes of Language Learning Mean Std. DeviationSchemesMemory Schemes 2.8612 0.5866Cognitive Schemes 3.4639 0.4853Compensation Strategies 3.4515 0.6241Metacognitive Schemes 3.5789 0.6301Affectional Schemes 2.8117 0.6833Social Strategies 3.6439 0.6924Table 4.2 presents the informations on the types of linguistic communication acquisition schemes used by the respondents. The findings show that most respondents us e Social Schemes ( M= 3.6439, SD= 0.692411 ) followed by Metacognitive Strategies ( M= 3.5789, SD= 0.63011 ) and eventually Cognitive Schemes ( M= 3.4639, SD= 0.48529 ) . From the findings, it can be inferred that the respondents benefit the most from utilizing societal schemes, metacognitive schemes and cognitive schemes in their procedure of linguistic communication acquisition. This means that in footings of utilizing societal schemes, the respondents learn linguistic communication best through inquiring inquiries in category, collaborating with others who are adept in the linguistic communication and sympathizing with others for illustration, through developing cultural apprehension. In other words, these respondents learn best when socialising with others in the mark linguistic communication. The findings besides revealed that the respondents who uses metacognitive schemes. This means that respondents using metacognitive schemes tend to focus on their acquisition for illustration associating new cognition with what they already know, set uping and be aftering their acquisition and ego measuring themselves in their acquisition advancement. In short, these scholars plan out their learning advancement and associate their new cognition to old schemes. Respondents practising cognitive schemes in larning the mark linguistic communication tend to utilize patterns for illustration utilizing expressions and forms or concentrate on the chief thought of a message when reading a text. These scholars are besides prone to make a batch of analysis and do logical thinking for illustration by analysing looks and eventually create construction in footings of either having input or end product for illustration taking notes.Table 4.3Descriptive Analysis of Domains of College Self EfficacySpheres of Mean Std. DeviationCollege Self EfficacyCourse Self Efficacy 6.9464 1.3234 Roommate Self Efficacy 7.6044 1.2662 Social Self Efficacy 6.8097 1.3726 The findings in table 4.3 shows that respondents have high ego efficaciousness when covering with roomie ego efficaciousness ( M= 7.6044, SD= 1.2662 ) followed by class ego efficaciousness ( M= 6.9464, SD= 1.3234 ) and societal ego efficaciousness ( M= 6.8097, SD= 1.3726 ) . The findings indicate that the respondents are more confident in tie ining with their roomies and finishing undertaking related to their surveies. However societal wise, the findings shows that the respondents are less confident about themselves socialising in major module events or in their interpersonal accomplishments with others such as doing new friends.Table 4.4Distribution and Percentage of Respondents ‘ Cumulative Grade Point Average ( CGPA )Accumulative Grade Frequency ( N ) Percent ( % )Point Average ( CGPA )Low ( & A ; lt ; 2.49 ) 2 7 Moderate ( 2.50 – 3.49 ) 217 76.1 High ( 3.50 – 4.00 ) 66 23.2Entire 285 100Table 4.4 studies on the degree of academic accomplishment of the respondents. From the information, it shows that a bulk of the respondents have mean academic accomplishment with a per centum of 76.1 % runing from 2.50 – 3.49. 23.2 % of respondents have high CCPA runing from 3.50 – 4.00. The staying 7 % have low academic accomplishment runing from less than 2.49. This findings show that the bulk of respondents from the American Degree Programme have moderate scope of CGPA.Table 4.5Correlation Matrix between Types of Language Learning Strategies on Academic AchievementLanguage Learning SchemesMemory Schemes -0.236** Cognitive Schemes 0.098 Compensation Schemes 0.082 Metacognitive Schemes 0.092 Affectional Schemes -0.324** Social Strategies 0.130* ** . Correlation is important at the 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) . * . Correlation is important at the 0.05 degree ( 2-tailed ) . Table 4.5 shows the relationship of linguistic communication larning schemes on academic accomplishment. By utilizing Pearson Correlation to find strength of the relationship between the independent variables and academic accomplishment, it was found there are three schemes that show correlativity with academic accomplishment which are associated with academic accomplishment. Those linguistic communication larning schemes are Memory Strategies, Affective Strategies and Social Strategies. The relationship between Memory Strategies, Affective Strategies and academic accomplishment shows a negative and really weak relationship with their R and P values ( r= -0.236 p= 0.000, r= -0.324 p= 0.000 ) severally. This suggests that the more the respondents use both Memory and Affective Strategies in their linguistic communication acquisition, the lower their academic accomplishment would be. On another note, Social Strategies indicate a positive but really weak correlativity with respondents ‘ academic accomplishment with its R and P value at r= 0.130, p= 0.029. This suggests that the more respondents use Social Schemes in their linguistic communication acquisition, the better they perform academically.Table 4.6Correlation Matrix between Domains of College Self Efficacy on Academic AchievementCollege Self-EfficacyCourse Self Efficacy 0.226** Roommate Self Efficacy -0.031 Social Self Efficacy 0.151* ** . Correlation is important at the 0.01 degree ( 2-tailed ) . * . Correlation is important at the 0.05 degree ( 2-tailed ) . Table 4.6 studies on the correlativity on spheres of college egos efficaciousness with respondents ‘ academic accomplishment. Both Course Self Efficacy and Social Self Efficacy show that there is a positive yet weak and really weak relationship between the two variables on academic accomplishment with their R and P values ( r= 0.226 p= 0.000, r= 0.151 p= 0.011 ) severally. This consequence suggests that similar of Social Strategies bespeaking that the higher the respondents ‘ ego efficaciousness in footings of Course and Social, the better the respondents would execute academically.Table 4.7An analysis of Multiple Regression on Academic AchievementTo find the part of each independent variable towards academic accomplishment, the ENTER method of multiple arrested development analysis was employed. To place the forecasters of academic accomplishment, the subscales from each spheres ‘ multiple additive arrested development was proposed. The nine subscale forecasters ar e Memory Strategies ( x1 ) , Cognitive Strategies ( x2 ) , Compensation Strategies ( x3 ) , Metacognitive Strategies ( x4 ) , Affectional Strategies ( x5 ) , Social Strategies ( x6 ) , Course Self Efficacy ( x7 ) , Roommate Self Efficacy ( x8 ) and Social Self Efficacy ( x9 ) . The equation of the proposed multiple additive arrested development theoretical account are as follows ( equation 1 ) : Y1=b0 + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3 + b4x4 + b5x5 + b6x6 + b7x7 + b8x8 + b9x9 + vitamin E Equation 1 Where: b0 = Intercept b1-4 = Slopes ( Estimates of Coefficients ) Y1 = Academic Achievement x1 = Memory Strategies x2 = Cognitive Schemes x3 = Compensation Schemes x4 = Metacognitive Schemes x5 = Affective Schemes x6 = Social Schemes x7 = Course Self Efficacy x8 = Roommate Self Efficacy x9 = Social Self Efficacy vitamin E = Random ErrorVariables Un-Standard Standard T Sig. ( P )Coefficients Coefficientsiiˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iˆ iiˆ( Constant ) 3.105 17.655 0.000 Memory -0.153 -0.270 -4.354 0.000 Schemes Cognitive 0.049 0.071 1.001 0.318 Schemes Compensation 0.021 0.040 0.730 0.466 Schemes Metacognitive 0.058 0.111 1.589 0.113 Schemes Affectional -0.159 -0.328 -5.609 0.000SchemesSocial 0.063 0.132 2.080 0.038 Schemes Course Self 0.059 0.237 3.806 0.000EfficacyRoommate Self -0.027 -0.102 -1.697 0.091 Efficacy Social Self 0.016 0.066 0.998 0.319 Efficacy F Statistic = 11.191 Adjusted R-squared = 0.244 R2 = 0.268 Based on the ENTER method which is presented in Table 4.7, the consequences show that there are two forecaster variables that were found important towards academic accomplishment. The two forecasters are Affectional Strategies ( x5 ) and Course Self Efficacy ( x7 ) with their T and P values severally ( t= -5.609 p= 0.000, t= 3.806 p= 0.000 ) . In order to seek the comparative importance of both forecasters in foretelling academic accomplishment, the standardised arrested development between coefficients were besides shown in Table 4.7. Standardized coefficients play an of import function for comparative intents as the values of the different variables have been converted to the same graduated table. In this multiple arrested development, both dependent and independent variables were standardized to hold a mean of 0 and a standard divergence of 1. Therefore, when an independent variable gives a high beta coefficient, there is an indicant that the variable is extremely of import in lending to the anticipation of the standard variable. Hence, based on the values reported in the tabular array, the highest beta coefficient was derived from Affective Strategies with a value of -0.328. This indicates that Affective Strategies was the strongest subscriber to the overall equation. This variable was followed by Course Self Efficacy with a beta coefficient of 0.237. To reason, the multiple arrested development theoretical account for academic accomplishment in standard mark units is presented as followers: Y1=3.105 + 0.159Ãâ€"5 + 0.059Ãâ€"7 + vitamin E Equation 2 Where: Y1 = Academic Accomplishments x5 = Affective Schemes x7 = Course Self Efficacy vitamin E = Random Error Table 4.7 besides shows the coefficient of finding where R-squared, is the value that indicates the per centum of the entire fluctuation of dependent variables that are explained by the independent variable. Therefore, as presented in Table 4.7, the entire sum of discrepancy of standard variable that is predictable from the two forecasters are 26.8 % , and the adjusted R-square alteration of 24.4 % . The adjusted R-square gives a better appraisal of the true population value, therefore the part of the forecaster variables towards the discrepancy in the standard variable in this survey are reported based on the adjusted R-square value. Therefore, the overall arrested development theoretical account has been successful in explicating about 24.4 % of the adjusted discrepancy in academic accomplishments. In short, merely two variables were found to be significantly linked to academic accomplishments at a important degree of 0.05. Those two variables are as reported which are Affectional Schemes and Course Self Efficacy. Both Affective Strategies and Course Self Efficacy were found to hold a important relationship with academic accomplishment. Therefore based on the multiple arrested development analysis, the consequences show that Affective Strategies and Course Self Efficacy history for 24.4 % which explains the discrepancy of academic accomplishment.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cultural values and Personal Ethics Essay

Ethics can be described as the codes of conduct that guide on how one should behave regarding moral duties and virtues. These moral principles, guide a person in determining what is wrong or right. Personal ethics on the other hand can be termed as morality. This is because personal ethics reflect the expectations of people of all works in the society (www. bethedream. net/ethics. htm). Ethics has got two aspects; the ability to determine right from wrong, propriety from impropriety and good from evil and the second perspective concerns the commitment to perform an action that is proper, right and good. The principles of personal ethics include; trust, worthiness, preventing harm, refusing to take unfair advantage, respect for the autonomy of others and basic justice (www. bethedream. net/ethics. htm). a) Personal Ethics Statement Values are the things that a person learns from an early age, from our parents and the immediate surrounding. Morals on the other hand are beliefs on how a person should behave at any one time in any given situation. Ethics is how a person actually behaves when faced with a difficult situation that requires testing of the moral fiber (www. ethics. ubc. ca/papers/invited/colero. html). The following is my personal ethics statement that identifies my personal ethics, values, morals and beliefs: I will give my all and my best to all I; will also serve mankind with the utmost extreme use of my body, spirit and mind, in the creation of peace and harmony among people through community service programs and performing other humanitarian programs. b) How these values were formed I acquired these values from my parents and my religion. My parents are generous people with open minds and they are very understanding. During my adolescent period they helped me through it and even encouraged me to explore the world but with great caution. I have great respect for them for they taught me about trust, generosity, empathy and that, honesty is the best policy. This has made me apply this knowledge to date. My religion also played a great role in instilling these virtues in me. It encouraged me to love all people and other creatures of the earth and always share and help those in need. c) The theories that seem to express my personal belief system. The major theories that have influenced modern thinking include: Utilitarianism which believes in the greatest good, Rawlsian Ethics concerning justice and fairness, Aristotelian ethics that believes in duties and rights and the Kantian Ethics. All of the above mentioned theories of ethics have played a great role in expressing my personal belief system. Utilitarian theory of ethics argues that the result of an action determines if that action is moral or immoral and a beneficial action is moral or right whereas an action that results to harmful impacts is wrong or immoral. This theory calls for the greatest good for everyone; and this greatest good is happiness and reduced unhappiness (www. ei-anla. org/academic/pdf/Ethics-Major-Ethical-Theories. pdf). Kantian ethics on the other hand suggest that an action that is morally right is that one which is carried out for the sense of duty since one undertakes it because they feel doing it is the right thing and right move. This arises from the logical reasoning of human beings. It calls for the treatment of all human being with moral worthiness. Rawlsian Ethics is an ethical standard that involves the protection of individual rights by preventing any injustice to the individual. It calls for fairly treating people equally without any discrimination. Lastly, the Aristotelian ethics argues that the task of ethics involves giving us knowledge regarding the right type of a person, or a good person. These theories are a congruent to my personal belief system (www. ei-anla. org/academic/pdf/Ethics-Major-Ethical-Theories. pdf). d) Written and unwritten codes of ethics Codes of ethics can be defined as the efforts which are systematic in nature and are used in defining the right conduct. They also provide guidance and help the installation of confidence in various aspects of life from the government and all organizations. The main guidance is reflected in the decision making process especially where values seem to conflict. Codes may be unwritten or written. Written codes of ethics provide a measure of accountability hence enforceable. Written codes of ethics can be made known by an organization, profession or jurisdiction (Shaw 2004). On the other hand, the unwritten codes that exist and that help us in our lives are more effective than the written ones. Unwritten codes of ethics include roles such as honesty security, loyalty among others. These unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics are found in the society and they help in establishing personal belief systems (Shaw 2004). e) How my personal ethics were developed I got my personal ethics from my parents. Both of them are business people and since my childhood they have always tried to give me all the good things in life and made sure that I do not lack anything. My values include generosity and empathy. I have learned these attributes from my parents who always do not miss out on helping the needy and those other people who are suffering. I also acquired these values from the various ethical theories that I learnt from class and life events that I once experienced. I particularly remember this one event when I sported a poor man by the road side and he actually confessed to me that he had not had any meal for the past two days. The man looked rugged and totally out of place from the way he dressed and his health was not good. He also confessed that he did not have any immediate relations. I helped him with the little money I had and from that day, I felt I needed to do more for poor people out there and the others who are suffering without any help. f) Determining whether the ethics of an organization or profession are congruent with my personal ethics and its importance Every organization has got its own rules and obligations that it abides to. These are the business codes of ethics that determine the running and management of these organizations. Business ethics can be described as the ethical principles and rules that exist in a commercial context. It also includes the various problems arising in a business entity and the obligations applying to these persons engaged in business (Shaw 2004). Business ethics and personal ethics do conflict most of the time and therefore it is important that individuals know how to handle these two. In determining whether the ethics of an organization or profession are congruent with my personal ethics, my first step will be to observe whether these organizational ethics are such that they will eventually make me to abandon my values so that I can remain in my employment position. If these values exist, it means that because these codes of ethics will eat away my personal values. Therefore I would rather leave work to remain with an undisturbed soul and peace of mind. Individual and group ethics are similar in that they both govern on the behavior of people and they both follow the same ethical principles in the work place. However, individual and group ethics do differ a lot. This can be seen in their processes and effects such as decision making processes (Shaw 2004). g) Roles played by individual and group ethics in managerial decision-making Individual and group ethics do play a number of roles in decision making. The ethics in most organizations are influenced by the group ethics as compared to the individual ethics. This is because these group ethics could have a more profound effect on the behavior of an organization. Group ethics also play a greater role in the case of poor performance in an organization since there are various comparative reasoning that occur from individuals (Shaw 2004). Individual ethics on the other hand play the role of guiding and guarding an individual’s moral values. In decision making process of an organization, individual ethics play the roles of moral creativity from the individual change of policies among other things (Shaw 2004). References. A Framework for Universal Principles of Ethics. Accessed on 10 July 2007 from www. ethics. ubc. ca/papers/invited/colero. html Major Ethical Theories. Accessed on 10 July 2007 from www. ei-anla. org/academic/pdf/Ethics-Major-Ethical-Theories. pdf Personal Ethics and Life. Accessed on 10 July 2007 from www. bethedream. net/ethics. htm. Shaw, H. , (2004). Business Ethics. Thomson Wadsworth. ISBN 053461972x

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Child Abuse Essay

In order to curb the cases of child abuse, effective education and awareness campaign should be conducted in schools and communities. Through this education and awareness campaign, children will learn about their rights and activities that may be construed as child abuse. Knowledge about rights and any activities that may resemble abuse will certainly help children deal with the issue if they come face to face with it. The paper will look into effective means of promoting awareness about child abuse among children in the community. Secondly, it will look at the risk factor that contributes to the situation of child abuse. Lastly, the study will prescribe an awareness and education campaign for implementation. Previous education and awareness campaigns will also be considered in the paper. Library research and interviews will be conducted. One of the challenges that will beset the study will be the view that educational campaigns, especially those conducted using mass media will have limited effect or impact on the proliferation of child abuse. The validity of this argument will be addressed by presenting studies dealing with the impact of mass media on child abuse awareness campaigns. Furthermore, the study can present a case study that will deal directly with the challenges posed. While the argument may have certain validity, a single means of promoting awareness and education campaign is bound to fail. Hence, additional communication channels should be identified for the campaign. Reference Teicher, M. H. (2002). Scars that Won’t Heal: The Neurobiology of Child Abuse. Scientific American, 286 (3), 54-61. This journal article presents the difficult processes that victims of child abuse go through. It is an indictment of child abuse. At the same time, the author presents interesting recommendations on how child abuse victims can be dealt with so they can cope with pain and trauma. This also provides important insight into the manner of prevention of child abuse. Glaser, D. (2000). Child Abuse and Neglect and the Brain – A Review. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 41, 97-116. The mental and emotional impact of child abuse is difficult to deal with. Hence, this study helps researchers and other people interested in child abuse to look at these impacts and how to arrive at sound policies for intervention and information campaign.


Ganga action plan was, launched by Shri Rajeev Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India on 14 Jan. 1986 with the main objective of pollution abatement, to improve the water quality by Interception, Diversion and treatment of domestic sewage and present toxic and industrial chemical wastes from identified grossly polluting units entering in to the river. The other objectives of the Ganga Action Plan are as under. Control of non-point pollution from agricultural run off, human defecation, cattle wallowing and throwing of unburnt and half burnt bodies into the river . Research and Development to conserve the biotic, diversity of the river to augment its productivity. The ultimate objective of the GAP is to have an approach of integrated river basin management considering the various dynamic inter-actions between abiotic and biotic eco-system. First phase of GAP it has generated considerable interest and set the scene for evolving a national approach towards replicating this program for the other polluted rivers of the country. New technology of sewage treatment like Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) and sewage treatment through afforestation has been successfully developed. * Rehabilitation of soft-shelled turtles for pollution abatement of river have been demonstrated and found useful. * Resource recovery options like production of methane for energy generation and use of aquaculture for revenue generation have been demonstrated. * To act as trend setter for taking up similar action plans in other grossly polluted stretches in other rivers. Notwithstanding some delay in the completion of the The Government of India proposed to extend this model with suitable modifications to the national level through a National River Action Plan (NRAP). The NRAP mainly draws upon the lessons learnt and the experience gained from the GAP besides seeking the views of the State Governments and the other concerned Departments/Agencies. Under NRCP scheme the CPCB had conducted river basin studies and had identified 19 gross polluted stretches and 14 less polluted stretches along 19 rivers, which include 11 stretches situated along 7 rivers of M. P.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Critical Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Assessment - Essay Example From an engineer who is deeply worried about climate change, it is easy to judge that such as from this article will never take place and feeding our atmosphere with sulfuric acid is way off the scale of "achievable" to be a fraction of a significant discourse on reversing or slowing even climate change. Someone would anticipate for much better writing than this in an article written by three professors from Cambridge Center, Carnegie Mellon University and Harvard University. I could not help but marvel whether this article was hurriedly brought to press in response to a number of the references in the article such as Barker et al. (2007), Blackstock et al. (2009), Robock (2008), Royal Society (2009), and Nordhaus (2008), which were all significant publications concerning this topic of climate change. All this books which the article referenced gave revealing arguments against climate engineering/geoengineering and the authors made them clearly, movingly, persuasively, and without ty pos, unlike McClellan, Keith & Apt (2012). This article fails to make the point that a majority of geoengineerings vocal supporters only have a financial concern in the field. There is tons of cash to be made in this field if the idea of geoengineering finally takes off. McClellan, Keith & Apt (2012) fail to acknowledge they indeed do have such a financial concern in a firm working on eliminating carbon dioxide from the environment, but then they brush that aside through saying their financial concern is not in solar-radiation managing, which is the center of this article. I would opt to read a thoughtful article by any scholar with no financial concern in climate engineering in any way. The authors are obviously charmed with the lost cost, easiness of tunability and implementation of SRM. However, there is modest discussion of the diverse

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Post World War II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Post World War II - Essay Example The Killing Zone" (Grunt Space, 2004). From this list emerged another long list of Vietnam-inspired war movies and television series. And then, there's "We Were Soldiers Once and Young." This book inspired the movie directed by Randall Wallace and starring Mel Gibson. The book and the movie present unadulterated details about war, not from the point of view of historians, politicians, and wide-viewed bestselling authors but from the individuals who were there. Ferguson (2003) presented a detailed military and national background about the events that surrounded the la Drang memoir of Moore. The war in Vietnam was considered a "boil" during America's Cold War with the former USSR and China. While Vietnam was fresh from its independence from colonial France, a revolution erupted as the communists controlled northern Vietnam. The 1956 Geneva Accord paved for a national election which was marred by communist rebels called the Viet Cong. America per se was under turmoil at that time as President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, with a non-interventionist new president Lyndon Johnson. Nevertheless, Johnson sent troops, using airmobile warfare initiated with the 11th Air Assault Division renamed as the 1st Cavalry Division, 7th Battalion with the mission: to find and kill the enemy. Discussion: "We Were Soldiers Once ... and Young" is a book written by retired Lt. Gen. Harold G. Moore, battalion commander of the 1/7 Cavalry during the la Drang campaign, together with UPI war reporter Joseph L. Galloway. It was produced with intensive interviews among Vietnam war soldiers (survivors) and their families, loved ones, and all those who were directly involved and affected by the war. Moore wrote that every Hollywood movie had shown it the wrong way, which inspired him to write the book, "to make it right this time." While it is necessary to indicate political and global trends in presenting a part of history such as the United States' war with Vietnam, Gilbert (2004) acknowledged that "Light of another kind can be found in the examinations of the wars in Viet Nam provided by world literature and the world cinema," (p 14). This is indicative of the presence and essence of other details which are all contributory to historical facts that cannot be ignored altogether. Gilbert (2004) aptly placed it when he wrote "Viet Nam has greatly contributed to the human record of the strife-torn and oppressed. From the Western-influenced individualist style that emphasized the alienation of the self to the triumph of social realism that identified death on the battlefield as the highest form of self-realization, Vietnamese prose and poetry reflects the transition from a traditional to a colonial to a modern society that many people have made in the modern era." While the book

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Loophole in the Legal System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Loophole in the Legal System - Essay Example More specific questions regarding the influence of race on jury decision-making have also emerged from this spate of well-publicised cases: How does a defendant's race influence juror's perception and judgement How does the racial composition of a jury affect its deliberations and final decision Is the influence of race on jurors the same in all trails What difference, if any, would it make if more of the lawyers representing criminal defendants were racial minorities Studies show that Justices of the courts who served from 1789-1962 were socially atypical of the average American background: they came from upper-class families, attended the best law schools, were white male and generally protestant (Abraham, 1962; Ulmer, 1973). This unrepresentative nature of the courts can challenge the legitimacy of an institution. A judicial system of white men can be seen as producing only white man's justice. Another reason one can posit for the desirability of minorities in the judiciary is assimilation. America's heterogeneous population is clustered in groups that thrive along racial, religious, and national-background harmonization (Gordon, 1964). With the Hispanic population growing at a rapid rate, with blacks, Native American Indians, Asians, Jews, and White Anglo-Saxons, America, as a nation, faces the problem of how these groups can exist alongside one another. The United States is a pluralistic society.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

An Evaluation of the Teaching Staff Shortage in London Schools Essay

An Evaluation of the Teaching Staff Shortage in London Schools - Essay Example eased concern in England as well as in other countries with regards to teacher supply shortages along with the issues on the recruitment and retention of teachers (House of Commons- Education and Skills Committee 2004). For instance, despite a considerable number of 60 million teachers worldwide, there is still a need to employ another 15 to 35 million teachers. Schools have faced considerable shortages in English and Math teachers while there have been a decrease in the number of applicants for teacher training. Teacher applicants for physics, geography, and information and communications technology have also experienced a considerable drop (Eurydice 2002). A large number of studies have primarily delved into the reasons why potential teachers have been attracted to the profession as well as the factors that contribute to their intentions of leaving the profession, including pay and work demands, and turnover patterns (Johnson-Wilder et al 2003). Recent evidence has also associated staffing problems with specific issues that serve as challenges for schools affected, such as the inability of schools to cope with labor market difficulties in order to for them to offer higher wages and attract qualified candidates, the lack of proficient teachers in certain subjects, and the increased number of teachers who are teaching outside of their subjects (Harris and Adams 2007). It has been suggested that institutions for teacher training have not been able to produce adequate numbers of qualified teachers who can met such demands. Other demographic trends, including the increase of student enrollments along with the increased rate of teacher turnover owing to an aging teaching workforce, have also contributed to the school staffing crisis. Owing to the continued shortfall of... This paper approves that private and public schools in London have experienced considerable shortages in their teaching workforce which have been attributed to various concerns. Teachers can either be motivated or discouraged to provide education and learning to students based on a number of factors, including their perceived support from the administration, the overall environment that they are working in, the salary they receive in exchange for their performance, the behavior of students, as well as personal issues. These can all influence the ways with which teachers view their profession as meaningful and valuable and, thus, affect their intentions and decisions for voluntary turnover. This report makes a conclusion that increasing the school’s support and attention towards their staff members should also be demonstrated along with the implementation of strategies that can enhance facilities and teaching performance. Values should also be taught to students by both the school and their families to ensure that these young individuals exemplify favorable behavior towards their peers and teachers. School safety and discipline along with a more professional environment that employs strategies for empowering teachers and boosting their morale may have a positive impact on their recruitment and retention among public and private schools. Future studies should also look into more specific factors that can be experienced by teachers in the primary, secondary, and college level as well, such as racial discrimination or academic field preferences; differences in terms of geographic locations (suburban versus metropolitan schools) or the impact of teachers’ age and gender can also be explored.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Assingment 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assingment 8 - Assignment Example They should, therefore, be given a second chance. Additionally, just as we cannot treat juveniles as adults when matters such as voting and employment are concerned, there is no reason to treat them as adults when it comes to more delicate issues such as violation of the law. An ostensible fact is that juveniles are immature and no reasoning can justify the aspect of treating them as adults in a court or prison (LawyerShop, 2008). Treating them as adults only ruins a potentially beneficial youth and expose them to unwarranted health risks such as sexual harassment. Proving my answer: The current population strives so much to attain equality. No matter the age, a minor is capable of differentiating good from bad. The juvenile is not insane and hence should be treated like an adult when it comes to criminal cases. Equality is the air that we are breathing. Regardless of who does the offense, justice must prevail and the juvenile offender should not prevaricate punishment. Anybody who commits crime is a criminal; the mere fact that they are juveniles does not diminish the effect of the delinquency on the victim. Criminals are all over our neighborhood living happy and peaceful bliss while their victims and families of the victims are left in unfathomable suffering forever (Flowers, 2002). There is, therefore, no reason to exercise some degree of mercy when convicting juveniles since that will not help in reducing the crime rate. Refuting other possible answers: I strongly believe that with the current advent of technology, people are brighter than you can expect and very smart intellectually. Juveniles engage in crime knowingly a fact that can be supported by the 12 % social recidivism rate among juvenile offenders (Steinberget al., 2015). What’s more, some juveniles simply enjoy engaging in crimes such as rape and murder. Rapists, murderers and other convicts are being released from jail